⁉️The Future of Ethanim and BEPU’s Next Plans #AMA

6 min readMay 8, 2024


[Q1] Why were trias tokens used to buy BEPU, were sent to Kucoin? Did trias team sell them? If not, why you don’t buy a Kucoin listing with them?

[A1] This question contains three questions, which I will answer step by step.

(1) BEPU is the first Bitcoin inscription token launched by the Trias ecological project, so TRIAS can be exchanged for BEPU. In addition to Trias community users who can exchange TRIAS for BEPU, many non-Trias community users have chosen to exchange BTC and ETH for BEPU;

(2) The TRIAS participating in the BEPU exchange are sent to Kucoin, which is a normal fund flow carried out by the Ethanim team based on fund needs;

(3) Regarding the listing of BEPU to Kucoin, in fact, we have communicated with multiple exchanges about the listing of BEPU, but we consider that BEPU is a Bitcoin Inscription token, and the Bitcoin Inscription ecosystem is still in its early stages, and it will not be available in a short time It is not easy to develop. In addition, the high gas fee when trading BEPU is not conducive to the development of the Ethanim metaverse ecosystem, so BEPU was not listed on the exchange in time.

(4) EPU is the core Token of Ethanim. Ethanim is an important part of the AI metaverse in the NetX ecosystem, and we will continue to promote the development of Ethanim along the direction of the AI metaverse. We are planning to launch the issuance of EPU. All users participating in BEPU exchange will receive EPU of equal value, and EPU will be listed on multiple exchanges. In addition, BEPU will not be recycled and users can continue to hold it. In the Ethanim metaverse ecosystem, BEPU still has usage scenarios and is valuable.

[Q2] Where is Jeson, the marketing manager? Why he deleted his AMA answers of last year?

[A2] In fact, I have always been in the community, and @Jeson_Smith is me. In order to make the information more official, I have been using the Ethanim official Telegram account to post information and answer questions from community users. In the future, I will use Jeson’s account to post information, and I will spend more time answering users’ questions and queries in the community.

If you have any questions, you can DM Tobi or me, I will answer your questions.

Regarding last year’s AMA, there was a problem logging in with my Telegram account, so I used another account to participate in the AMA as Jeson. In that AMA, everything I answered represents content officially endorsed by Ethanim.

[Q3] How many people in Ethanim team and what are their roles? How many has left the team this year?

[A3] Currently, Ethanim has about 50 people, most of whom are product and technical personnel, distributed in the UK, Japan and Singapore. Two community admins and I are mainly responsible for market operations. Last year, 2 technical staff left Ethanim and were then replenished; this year, no staff left Ethanim.

As an independently run project of the NetX ecosystem, Ethanim will start a larger development plan next, focusing on developing products around the AI metaverse. We will recruit more people to join the Ethanim team based on actual needs.

[Q4] What did mean when trias announced in migration plan “Ethanim Q4/24?

[A4] The Trias migration plan is the cross-chain migration of TRIAS tokens on the NetX main network. This has nothing to do with Ethanim. The TRIAS migration plan is currently in progress.

[Q5] Will BEPU get listed during this summer? Which are the exchanges you have communicated with?

[A5]Just like the answer to the first question, BEPU is Bitcoin Inscription. The ecological development of Bitcoin Inscription is still in its early stages and will not be easy to develop in a short time.

In addition, the circulation of inscription tokens requires high gas fees, which is not conducive to the operation and development of the Ethanim AI metaverse ecosystem.

We are planning to issue EPU and strive to have EPU listed on the exchange this summer. All users who participate in the BEPU exchange will receive EPU of equal value.

In addition, we will airdrop 50,000tEPU to all users who participate in the BEPU exchange as compensation. In the future, tEPU can be directly exchanged for EPU.

[Q6] tEPU will be come EPU during this summer?

[A6] We are actively promoting the issuance of EPU. The issuance of EPU requires a lot of preparation. We strive to complete the issuance of BEPU this summer and list BEPU on multiple exchanges. We will also open the exchange of tEPU for EPU.

[Q7] How many new tokens Ethanim is going to release beside current ones?

[A7] Ethanim currently only issues the inscription token BEPU. tEPU is just points, not a token. We will issue EPU in the near future. EPU is the real Ethanim project token. It will be privately sold and will be listed on the exchange.

[Q8] What is the current status of the metaverse, what parts are done and what undone? What do you mean by saying AI generated metaverse? What it means if an user can generated a metaverse with Ai in Ethanim? What is the point?

[A8] Wow, this question contains several questions, I will answer them one by one now:

(1) Ethanim AI Metaverse is currently under continuous development, MetaChat has been developed, MetaArt and MetaMate Agent are still under continuous development, and BEPU Inscription Land Metaverse is also under development. Since the Bitcoin Inscription ecology is limited by smart contracts and the network Due to reasons such as slow transmission and high cost, the development process of the BEPU Land metaverse may be adjusted;

(2) The AI Metaverse is a tool for users to produce AI products and build a Metaverse, including NFT, virtual avatars, virtual space program development, virtual universe social interaction, etc. The purpose of the AI Metaverse is that anyone can use it Ethanim’s three AI products build the metaverse ecosystem according to your own imagination or worldview;

(3) The AI metaverse means that AI will lead Web3 into a new era, using AI to promote the development of the Web3 industry, and user AI to generate the metaverse, ushering in an era of rapid development for the metaverse;

(4) In the NetX ecosystem, Ethanim will build an AI production metaverse platform based on the NetX network, and Ethanim will promote the development of the NetX ecosystem.

[Q9] Why are your github repositorys are private?

[A9] Since the original code in Ethanim github has not been unified, the github repositories are currently private. After the original code is reorganized, github will be released to the public.

[Q10] How would you explain what Ethanim metaverse will consist of and what are the most interesting usecases?

[A10] The Ethanim metaverse relies on the virtual world of three AI products, MetaChat, MetaArt and MetaMate. Users have virtual avatars in the metaverse, where they can socialize, purchase virtual products, trade NFT, etc. Users can also create through AI Metaverse virtual world.

A more interesting use case may be to use virtual avatars to socialize, and anyone can customize the attributes of the virtual avatar, which increases the fun and entertainment of the metaverse virtual world.

[Q11] Do you understand that if you think BEPU was a mistake, the right thing to do is refund everyone with the amount of Trias used + interest rate, and shut down BEPU? You can for example create a reverse exchange application and we can send our BEPU there, you give us TEP-20 Trias back + airdrop some TAS

[A11] BEPU is not a mistake. BEPU is the first inscription token launched by the Trias ecological project. The issuance of BEPU promotes the integration of the Bitcoin ecology and the NetX ecology.

Regarding the BEPU exchange: As I answered in the first question, we originally wanted to let community users experience the Bitcoin ecosystem through BEPU, but we did not expect that the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem is still in its early stages, and the promotion of Bitcoin Inscription and Metaverse Integration takes a long time. So we are now considering issuing Token EPU and airdropping EPU of equal value to all users participating in the BEPU exchange. The EPU will be listed on the exchange. In addition, BEPU will not be recycled and users can continue to hold it. In the Ethanim metaverse ecosystem, BEPU There are still use cases and values.




Ethanim is the infrastructure for commercializing #AR for the #Metaverse. Build #AIMetaverse through #AIGM ecological products and #NFT.