Ethanim has launched the Metaverse Guardian Program, which aims to recruit and attract Metaverse Validation Node Miners from all over the globe in phases, in order to better encourage the continuing growth and functioning of the ecosystem. Consensus verification of the trusted state of RSM (Reliable State Machines) in the Ethanim ecosystem is carried out by the validating nodes in order to ensure that the whole Metaverse ecosystem can run effectively on the basis of maintaining decentralization and security.
Metaverse Guardians: The goal of Ethanim was to always create a true decentralized platform to outperform other competitors. Through using Trias and layer 3 blockchains Ethanim is designed to be far safer and more stable compared to the normal decentralized platforms. Using layer 3 blockchains the Main chain issues RSM (Reliable State Machines) for a DApp to run on the platform. These RSMs are synonymous to containers that will contain a virtual environment for the app to work on the blockchain. Now issuing RSMs are done only in the main chain. This occurs when the validator nodes mine on the main chain. These select few individuals are called Guardians of the Ethanim Multiverse. They are the validator nodes.
The Guardians mine and validate on the main chain. They get a fee for a successful validation in tEPU. tEPU is an intermediary currency used as a part of the launch. One can convert these tEPU to EPU once the full release happens. Validator nodes pledge an amount of tokens to validate on the main chain. With each successful validation they get remunerated in tokens.
When it comes to mining, there is a very low barrier to entry. The client is light-weight and runs on almost any device with an internet connection. Smartphones can also be used for mining. It runs in the background quietly and is designed to be less resource heavy. This is only true for main chain validation. There are other ways of mining that facilitates the sharing of a user’s hardware resources like GPU and storage mining for the DApps to utilize on the platform.
In order to join the Whitelist and become a Metaverse Guardian you can join the Bastet NFT activities program!
By participating in the Bastet NFT activities one can obtain different Bastet NFT components. There will be many types of components. When someone creates an entire Bastet NFT out of all the obtained components they will be added to the whitelist and will hold the title of Guardian in the Ethanim Metaverse.
By mining in the main chain of the platform the Guardians will receive token (tEPU) airdrops as rewards.
There will also be exclusive perks of being among the first adopters of the Ethanim Metaverse.
Ethanim will launch a Bastet NFT event in the near future, so stay tuned!
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